Featured Products
Absolutely splendid result
I look 10 years younger, no jokes
The best care product you can buy at the moment

Why to choose Buy the Gallons
We are a local business located in New Philadelphia Ohio and our products are made in America.
We work directly with our manufacturers to create products made specifically for our store.
We also carry some name brand products that you already know and love.
Pickup Info
For the time being we are offering pick-up only. You can schedule your pickup time during the checkout process. Or if you have already made arrangements with the organizer of your fundraiser for them to pickup for you please email us at buythegallons@gmail.com.
Contact Us
Monday: 4PM - 8PM
Tuesday: 11AM - 3PM
Wednesday: 11AM - 3PM
Thursday: 11AM - 3PM
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 10AM-2PM
Sunday: Closed